We are working hard to collaborate with industry and government to streamline and modernise hiring across all sectors and industries. We exist to transform the UK labour market by bringing in a revolution in the way the UK hires staff. This supports the UK Government's aspiration for a modern and agile labour market built on strong foundations, delivering on our mission to make hiring Faster, Fairer and Safer.
There are a number of ways to be involved with the Better Hiring Institute.
Do you work in hiring, recruitment, talent acquisition?
Having the Better Hiring Institute on your CV can help you stand out from the crowd, give you insights and knowledge to further your career, and get you involved in national change.
Billy Smith (Image here) Testimonial (beside Billy's) Jon Hall (Image Here) Testimonial
Boost your career and shape the future with the Better Hiring Institute (BHI)
Join the Industry Subcommittee
Connect with peers and expand your professional network.
Participate in national conversations shaping hiring.
Stay informed on key developments in hiring and workplace issues discussed in parliament.
Free to join with meetings held via MS Teams every 8 weeks.
Advance to the National Hiring Committee
Serving on our industry subcommittee opens doors to a leadership role on the BHI's National Hiring Committee
Contribute to Faster, Fairer & Safer Expert Panels
Apply to joining the Faster, Fairer & Safer Expert Panels if you have expertise and are eager to make an impact.
Influence Parliamentary work, set national hiring standards, and tackle the latest challenges.
Showcase your organisation's commitment
Stand out in the competitive hiring market by signing up for the Better Hiring Charter
Have your logo displayed on our Charter's site.
Take the next step - It's free to join.
Contact us today to get started and make a difference in your career and the UK's work industry.
Join the subcommittee for your industry. Get involved.
If you are interested, just let us know! Appoint a representative for your organisation and we will get in touch and facilitate arrangements. Simple as that.
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